Saturday, January 17, 2009

Water Filtration Faucet System - Why You Must Get One to Stay Healthy

Installing the best water filtration faucet system you can buy is a wise choice for your health. If you are now drinking water straight from your kitchen faucet without filtering it you are consuming all sorts of contaminated substances.

Dangerous elements in our water supplies range from weed killers, pharmaceuticals drugs, pesticides, petroleum products, lead, chlorine, and many more too numerous to list.

The Ralph Nader Research Group states, "U.S. drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer."

I don' know about you, but I don't want to be consuming toxic substances when I drink my 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy. That just doesn't make sense. But that is exactly what happens if you don't have a water filtration faucet system or some other comparable way to filter out all those toxins.

If you live in the city, you may be asking doesn't my water company remove those contaminates with their filtering system. Yes and no. They remove some of them, but they also add some of them, so to be sure you are not drinking dangerous contaminates you need a water filtration faucet system.

Depending on their filtering system some cities remove more dangerous substances than others. You can get a report from your water company telling you what is in your drinking water. Just remember their report will only be on what they've tested for, and they don't test for all contaminates that may lurk in the water.

One example of this is, you could ask them if they test for all pharmaceuticals drugs that are taken by every single person in and around your city. But that wouldn't even make sense to expect them to test for everyone of them, because they have no way of knowing what everyone takes. But it is a fact that every drug taken is excreted in bodily functions thus is flushed down the toilet and gets into our water supply. I don't think any one reading this will argue with me that not 100% of every pharmaceutical drug taken is absorbed by the body, so obviously some of it ends up as human waste.

Let's also look what they put into the water. All municipal water companies put chlorine in the water to kill the deadly bacteria in water. Chlorine serves a wonderful purpose in destroying the harmful bacteria. Without it we would have more diseases like typhoid and cholera do deal with.

The problem is chlorine itself is a cancer-causing agent. So if your water plant puts it in, you must take it out with a water filtration faucet system. There's no way around it. Chlorine must be removed in order for you to have optimum health.

Another contaminate that gets into our water after it leaves the water processing plant can be lead. Many of the pipes that deliver the water to your home, leaches lead. They are old and there is lead in them. The corrosion from the many years of water running through them is one of the culprits of the lead in the water after it leaves the plant. Even if your water plant tells you there is not lead in the water when it leaves the plant, there still could be lead in the water when it reaches your kitchen faucet.

To rid your water of all harmful elements you should install a water filtration faucet system that uses carbon filtering, along with sub micron and multi block filters that also uses an ion exchange. Those four filtering medias together will deliver you safe healthy water.

Check out my website today to learn more about what is in our water supplies.

Autor: Juanita Ruby Juanita Ruby
Level: Platinum
I am passionate about health issues. Our bodies contain 70% water, and the quality of our water greatly affects our health. I study and research, ... ...

Juanita Ruby is passionate about health. She knows our bodies contain more than 70% water, thus the quality of our water greatly affects our health. She uses a water filtration system to purify her water. Visit her website at to discover which water purification system she trusts for her health.

Added: January 17, 2009