Monday, December 21, 2009

Deep Fryers - Everything You Want to Know

There is a really a different and pleasant food experience when it is fried. Let us set aside first its health effects, there really is nothing that could beat up the appetizing fried foods. And almost everything could be fried, from the traditional meat to the very nutritious vegetables.

Deep frying is a very simple task. You will not need an expert chef or a cook to learn how to deep fry. Just buy a deep fryer suitable for your needs, fill it with oil and submerge your food into the cooking oil. If you are not that certain about the exact time in which the food would be fully cooked (given that different foods require different roasts and time), you should look at it every now and then to ensure that you would get a crispy and palatable fried food.

When you are deep frying ensure that you would set the machine on the right temperature because if the oil is too hot, the food will be cooked on the outside and still partly raw inside. And if the oil is not hot to the necessary degree, the food will soak it up and come out uninteresting and soggy.

The usual deep fried food is meat. Coat meat (such as chicken wings, thighs, and drumsticks) with breadcrumbs or crispy mix so that the fried food would create a delicious and crunchy coating.

Deep frying is not merely about health, neither is it about diet. It is absolutely about taste and texture. No one could really deny the fact that having fried foods on the table boosts the appetite and adds a little enthusiasm for an individual who is going to eat.

Just remember to be very careful when you are frying, especially because you are dealing with boiling hot oil. After frying, clean your fryer properly so as to avoid rust and to prevent from stubborn stain from hardening.

Autor: Victoria Mistral

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Added: December 21, 2009