Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What to Consider When Buying a Wine Refrigerator

The alcohol-drinking habits of the American consumer has changed significantly over the past few decades. People are drinking less beer while consuming more wine. What was once an elitist drink can now be commonly found in many households. Many wine enthusiasts are getting more serious about their hobby and want to keep their spirits at the proper temperature. But they don't have the space or financial funds to build a proper wine cellar.

This is not a problem though because fortunately there are many affordable wine refrigerators available on the market. There are a couple things you need to consider before purchasing one.

One of the most important factors that you need to consider is the size of your wine refrigerator. Obviously you need to be aware of the space available in your home to place it. But you should also consider your personal drinking habits? Do you tend to finish a bottle before opening a new one? Or do you like to have a perfect match between your wine and dinner and keep multiple bottles open. This should dictate the size of the refrigerator you should buy. Do remember that larger refrigerators not only cost more but also consumer more electricity. This is something that is commonly overlooked - don't buy a huge refrigerator just because you can afford it.

Another thing to consider is to buy a dual zone wine refrigerator. Different types of wines have different ideal temperatures that they are stored at. If you plan on having both white and red wines in the refrigerator, you should consider getting one with multiple temperature zones. On the other hand, if you only drink red wine this feature will not be much of a selling point.

Autor: Alex Villanueva

A wine refrigerator can be a confusing purchase. Read more about buying an ewave wine refrigerator and a kitchenaid wine refrigerator.

Added: September 30, 2009