Monday, May 25, 2009

How Pure is Pure? The Truth About the Water You Drink

Pure drinking these health conscious times it has become the holy grail and it is almost as difficult to find. Despite the plethora of options available, the quality of most bottled and tap aqua is not nearly as good as we've been led to believe, and therein lies the problem.

We need it to be good and clean to remain healthy but how do we actually ensure that it is ?

Pure drinking mineral water has become quite popular in recent years and can be easily found in your nearest grocery store or vending machine.

But is the product in those bottles really pure?

Is it even really mineral or spring ?

In many cases, the answer to both questions is no.

Equally distressing is the quality of most home tap supplies. With our increased dependency on chemicals comes a nasty byproduct, the inevitable contamination of our supposedly pure drinking supply. Everything from Chlorine to pesticides to herbicides can be found in your average tap supply.

And despite their efforts, most municipal treatment facilities do not do a thorough job of eliminating these toxins. The treatment methods used really only scratch the surface and the pure drinking mineral water offered in bottles is equally questionable, since the very plastic used to create those bottles leeches any number of chemicals.

Add in the fact that most bottled aqua actually comes from simple municipal sources and not true natural springs and you get the picture. And it's not a very pretty one.

The fact of the matter is that we need clean H20 in order to maintain good health.

Proper hydration ensures that our body's function properly and can also be a big aid in fighting disease. Studies have shown that in areas where the supply is of the poorest quality, the incidence of cancer and other diseases is much higher.

So what is a health conscious person to do?

The answer lies in picking up the slack where your municipal treatment facility leaves off. While most standard treatment removes visible contaminants, in order to ensure that you are actually getting pure drinking mineral water, the toxins you can't see must also be removed.

The only way to do this is by using a home filtration system.

Fortunately, there are many excellent products on the market today which can help produce pure drinking water. From sports bottles and pitchers with built in filters to point of use filters which attach directly to an individual tap, it is easier than ever to avoid problems.

Of course, the best way to do so is with a whole house filtration system with a point of entry attachment. This connects directly to your home's main supply and allows for every outlet in your house to be covered. Pure H20 is one of the building blocks of life and it shouldn't be impossible to find.

Now, with good quality home filtration systems available, providing the cleanest liquid possible for your family is easier than ever.

Don't be suckered in by risky bottles, go the filtered route instead and give your whole family peace of mind, one glass at a time!

Autor: Bruno Masiello

Bruno Masiello is an ardent supporter of healthy living and researcher of drinking water. Visit his site now at to discover his recommended solution after extensive, independent research.

Added: May 25, 2009