Saturday, March 21, 2009

Portable Dehumidifiers - Control Humidity Problems Anywhere With Portable Dehumidifiers

Feeling hot and sweaty is never anyone's cup of tea. Our bodies don't seem to react well to high amounts of humidity in the air. It can affect or energy levels and our moods. The reason high amounts of humidity affect us so much is because the amount of water vapor in the air doesn't allow us to sweat as we normally would in regular heat. It causes the temperate to feel warmer than it is by an average of 5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. One way to make any location more comfortable is to use portable dehumidifiers. They are excellent for homes, offices, and even camping trips. They are lightweight so you can move them around your home easily.

Portable dehumidifiers work by collecting water vapor from the air. It is converted in to water that is changed into steam. The result is air in the atmosphere with 45% less humidity in it. This is the ideal way to help your body respond in a positive manner to the humidity instead of being tired and irritable because of it. Many people use portable dehumidifiers in their home because they can move them to any desired location. It is common to place them in the rooms you use most during the day such as the living room and kitchen. At night time they can be placed in bedrooms so everyone sleeps more comfortably.

Using portable dehumidifiers in your basement, laundry room, or crawl space can prevent mold and mildew from growing there. These growths can lead to serious health issues as well as destroy the structure of you home. It is much more cost effective to invest in portable dehumidifiers and prevent them from growing in the first place. If you are renting a home, trailer house, or apartment portable dehumidifiers give you the same comfort as home owners have. You don't have to worry about drilling holes in walls to install a stationary dehumidifier. This way you can take portable dehumidifiers with you when you move to another location in the future.

Autor: Caleb Liu

If you found this information on Portable Dehumidifiers useful, you'll also want to read about Crawl Space Dehumidifiers

Added: March 21, 2009