Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Convenience of Electric Cookers

Technology has been constantly changing ever stoves replaced bare fire in helping man prepare food, warm himself and prepare other items. Today we have cookers that have constantly evolved to what we use today. Man is now able to cool using electricity, gas and even coal. There are also stoves that can use all three; electricity, gas and coal although coal has largely been phased out of the modern world.

In today's homes, cooking is done almost always by a cooking stove of some kind. In the industrialized world, homes come equipped with pre-installed electric or gas cookers stoves which are a practice that has more or less become a standard. As we have mentioned, coal has more or less faded from the world of stoves and electric cookers and gas cookers have more or less become the predominant form of cooking although we do have coal being used in the less developed world.

Gas cookers are very popular. They work by pumping natural gas through a network of pipes that runs underground and is largely provided and regulated by gas utility companies much the same way that way electricity or cable is provided. In the event that you fall behind on your bill, the gas company can interrupt the gas supply.

The electric cooker is quickly becoming a very common way of cooking. It comes in a freestanding stove that has mostly four heating surfaces where the cooking is done. While professional chefs still prefer gas cookers because they are easy to regulate, electric cookers have become the standard cooking appliance that is installed in all new apartment units and condominiums.

Electric cookers have a few advantages. One of them is that they are cheap in the event that you wanted to install a new one. A couple of hundred dollars will get you a new or used one depending on your budget.

Another advantage is that they are safe. There is no flame involved and no smoke to spread soot around the house or cause the air to become dry. Gas cookers while being present in many homes, pose the danger of fires. There have been many incidences where someone has unwittingly left the gas knob on and gas has escaped in the atmosphere then someone unknowingly either lit a match or a cigarette. In the past when gas did not have an odor, these incidents caused numerous deaths and destruction of property.

Another advantage that electric cookers have is that they do not need a match or a lighter to light. A push or a button or a turn of the knob ensures automatically turns the on and there is a light that comes on to indicate that the unit is in use.

One disadvantage of electric cookers is that it uses metallic coils which when bombarded by electrons at high speed, become heated up. After the coils have been heated, they remain excessively hot for some time even after the stove has been turned off. This can pose a danger to people who come into contact with coil.

Autor: Theodor Cartman

Looking for electric cookers? Check out complete guide to electric cookers.

Added: January 9, 2009