Saturday, January 3, 2009

Activated Carbon Water Filters Rock

An activated carbon water filter is primarily designed for the removal of chlorine from our drinking water, which is far more important than many people seem to realize. Many scientists and medical professionals now believe that the historic jump in cancer cases over the last century is primarily due to chlorine ingestion.

The truth is that activated carbon filters will remove far more chemical contaminants from your drinking water than just chlorine alone, and that is a good thing because in addition to chlorine there have been 2,100 other identified cancer causing agents that have been discovered in our water supply.

The reason that an activated carbon water filter for the home is necessary is that the water treatment facilities equipment is so dilapidated and out of date that there is almost no possibility that they can simply be overhauled in order to render them capable of eliminating these toxins from our drinking water.

The likelihood of these treatment facilities being gutted and re-fit with the modern equipment that they need in order for them to be able to effectively clean our water is extremely low, especially with our economy in the state that it is in. so it looks as though activated carbon filters are our only answer, but they alone cannot guarantee us pure water.

An activated carbon water filter is capable of effectively blocking most of the chemical contaminants that we face, but it cannot block every single one of them. That is why it is necessary to complement your carbon filter with what is known as a multi media block. Between the two of these filters you will be safe from 99.99% of all present chemical contaminants.

However activated carbon filters and multi media blocks are not the only protection that you will need to have in your water purification unit if you want for your water to be truly safe. There are also biological contaminants in your drinking water that are impervious to the chlorination disinfection process.

To an activated carbon water filter should also be added a sub micron filter. What this filter does is that it acts to remove all of the parasites and cysts from your drinking water, thereby guaranteeing that you and your family will be kept safe from the ravages of any waterborne disease that may be present.

Activated carbon filters could be a real life saver for both you and your family, but remember that the other featured filters are equally important as a way of protecting your family's health. The best thing that you can do in order to ensure that you are safe from the many toxins in your drinking water is to install an activated carbon water filter today.

Autor: David Surgeon

If you're scared to death of the drugs found in drinking water, we compare the various water filter systems at and show you which ones have been scientifically proven to remove the highest amounts of contaminants

Added: January 4, 2009