Sunday, December 13, 2009

Keep the Rain Off Your TV - Outdoor TV Systems Have Never Been Cheaper

There is a growing outdoor culture thriving in most parts of Europe and North America. Even in the traditional cold and wind swept places like Britain and Canada, thanks to patio heaters and smoking shelters, more and more people are taking to the outdoors to socialize.

Even in the autumn, people are seen relaxing outside bars, restaurants and pubs and entertaining these people has become increasingly important in such a competitive environment as the pub/bar industry. Traditionally, placing a TV screen outdoors has always been expensive and impractical but following the banning of smoking in enclosed places throughout most of Europe, many pub, bar and restaurant owners are now looking to ensure they don't lose customers - and outdoor entertainment is one solution.

Placing a TV screen outdoors does still pose problems though and while rugged and waterproof outdoor LCD TV's are available they are expensive and may take several years to provide a ROI (Return on Investment). However, a far more inexpensive and flexible solution is now available thanks to the manufacture of outdoor LCD enclosures. These outdoor TV cabinets allow standard off-the shelf LCD TVs (or plasma) to be used safely and securely in outdoor locations. Waterproof and manufactured from steel they also offer optimum temperature controls to allow the use in a weathers.

An LCD enclosure combined with a standard LCD TV still costs dramatically less than a specific outdoor LCD TV but can provide just as adequate, and in many cases better, protection from the elements. By connecting the speaker system an LCD enclosure makes an affordable solution for outdoor TV entertainment and with the forthcoming World Cup next year the ROI of installing an outdoor TV system may be a lot better than anticipated.

Autor: Richard N Williams

Richard N Williams is a technical author and a specialist in the digital signage industry helping to develop outdoor digital signage and protection for plasmas. Please visit us for more information about LCD Enclosures or other digital signage solutions.

Added: December 13, 2009