Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Residential Reverse Osmosis Systems and Why You Should Avoid Them

Now I know how popular residential reverse osmosis systems are, and I get many letters from people after I write something bad about them! But facts are facts and these types of old technology products just can't compete with the new systems on the block, which remove far more of the harmful toxins.

Residential reverse osmosis systems were originally designed for the print and paper industries that need huge quantities of demineralized water, and were then sold as the ideal for the domestic market.

Their main failing is just what they were designed to do; to take out the vital minerals like calcium and magnesium. We humans however need these and we can absorb them more easily from water than from food. Even the World Health Organization states that we must drink water with the minerals in.

If you use this for the long term you run the risk of becoming mineral deficient.

The other main failing of residential reverse osmosis systems is that they cannot effectively deal with the new synthetic chemicals like pharmaceuticals, even though they remove chlorine quite well. If you don't believe me just ask to look at their performance data sheet to see how much they remove and if it is any less than 99%, it's no good.

For example a 97% removal rate of chlorine sounds good, but in fact due to the large volume of water we use and consume, you will still be at risk which is why you need at least 99%.

Due to the way they are set up, they discard around two thirds of the water they use and many still need electricity to run. Not too good for the environment or your pocket.

Now the ones that do work, unlike residential reverse osmosis systems and the only type the US EPA recommends is an activated carbon filter. If you ensure it uses a multi stage process with ion exchange and sub micron filtering, you will have your 99% removal rate.

These will also leave in those vital trace minerals to give you great tasting healthy water as it should be, leaving you free from the worry of any contamination.

So while any filter is better than none these days, just make sure it's not one of those residential reverse osmosis systems.

Visit my website today if you would like to learn more about the types of water filtration systems that I personally recommend and use.

Autor: Raymond Hamilton

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Added: July 29, 2009