Monday, February 9, 2009

Reverse Osmosis Equipment - The Alarming Facts That Will Get You Turning Off This Equipment Fast

Reverse osmosis equipment comes in many shapes and sizes, but all of it is driven from one central, basic scientific concept that has been used to successfully treat water commercially for over 50 years. Reverse osmosis equipment has literally made the desert bloom in vast tracts of former desert in the Middle East where is used by farmers to turn salt water into fresh water that is good enough to grow crops with.

The same equipment is found in submarines under all the world's oceans,. Sailors are able to drink the treated water safely because they will soon be back on port with normal, healthy, fresh water available to them.

And many municipal water authorities install reverse osmosis equipment in the large city water treatment plants where it will produce water that will meet federal standards as long as it is used in conjunction with other, different types of water purifiers.

But you won't find any reverse osmosis equipment in my home. Ever.

Right now I live in a small city with some of the best water in the country coming untreated into my taps. But when I've lived in other less-blessed places, and I've been concerned enough to filter my drinking water, my wife and I did not use reverse osmosis equipment to treat our household water.

There are three simple reasons why we don't use reverse osmosis equipment.

First, it is wasteful.

For every gallon was treated water produced by this equipment something like three gallons of untreated, dirty water are poured down the drain unused. That has got to be bad for the environment. It is certainly inefficient.

Second, and most importantly, this equipment strips out the healthy minerals from water.

Depending on where you live, many essential, trace elements that your body needs are found in your water. These minerals like calcium and magnesium are dissolved in the ground water deep beneath the earth and slowly, over great stretches of time, are brought to the surface where some of them find their way into the water supply. As you drink them your body receives the essential minerals it needs to grow and develop.

But reverse osmosis equipment blocks these minerals. The water coming from this equipment is mineral-free. This is because minerals generally have a molecular structure larger than water. And at the heart of all this equipment is an extremely fine membrane that physically strains out anything bigger than a water molecule.

Third, reverse osmosis equipment is unable to stop any chemical contaminants that have a molecular structure smaller than water. And there are plenty of them.

If your home depended for drinking water on reverse osmosis equipment then you'd be exposing yourself to all kinds of unhealthy contaminants.

What you need to do is find a set of alternative filters for your home that will block the chemicals and yet leave in the healthy, essential trace minerals your body absolutely must have.

There are systems out there which will do this. You will find them on the Internet, of course. And actually you may want to begin at my web site. Because it has a lot of helpful information that visitors find useful. In fact I'd encourage you to go ahead and click now to my site to begin your search.

Autor: Len McGrane

Len McGrane writes about home water purifiers and pure drinking water from his web site, where he gives advice and helps visitors with reverse osmosis equipment ideas.

Added: February 9, 2009